Returning to Ukraine
Here you will find information about your options for travelling to Ukraine after you have been granted collective protection in Norway.
From 12 December 2023, there are new rules for travels to Ukraine. The new rules will limit the opportunity to travel back and forth between Ukraine and Norway for persons with temporary collective protection in Norway. If you return to Ukraine, there may be consequences for your residence permit. If you return to Ukraine, the Norwegian authorities may consider revoking your residence permit.
You may travel back to Ukraine if you have a legitimate purpose for the trip. By legitimate purpose, we mean a short visit to do something strictly necessary, such as visiting a close relative who is seriously ill. You must be able to document that you have a legitimate purpose for the trip.
Please note that you must stay in Norway for at least half of the time you have a permit.
If you participate in the Introduction Programme or receive financial support from NAV or other public agencies, you must note the municipality or NAV that you wish to leave Norway. They can inform you of the consequences it may have for your financial support, and what you must do before you leave.
When you are going to travel abroad, you must have:
- a valid passport/immigrant’s passport/travel document for refugees
- a valid residence card
If you cannot travel without a visa in the Schengen area, you need a residence card if you are travelling through countries in the Schengen area on your way to Ukraine.
Ukrainians with collective protection in Norway can apply for repatriation if they wish so.
On The Directorate of Immigration's website you will find more information about repatriation.
No. You cannot receive support after you have left Norway. To receive a repatriation grant, you must have:
- applied for a repatriation grant
- sent the UDI information about your travel route and transport home, a copy of tickets for your return or a self-declaration on the use of a private car
- notified the National Registry that you are moving
- informed the UDI about your Norwegian bank account number
- received a decision that you will receive a repatriation grant from the UDI
On The Directorate of Immigration's website you will find more information about repatriation.
You must notify the Tax Administration if you’re moving from Norway and are planning to stay in a country outside the Nordic region for more than six months. If you’re moving to another Nordic country, your move only needs to be reported in the country you’re moving to.